22 Dec 2011

How to build a better Sandwich

Want to know how to build a better sandwich?
Here are some healthy hand-held meals for the well-breaded lifestyle.
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FROM ITS VERY BEGINNING, the sandwich has been ultimate in regular-guy food. John Montagu's, the forth Earl of Sandwich, invented this prototypical nosh not out of culinary genius but because he was a lunatic card player. Deep into a 24-h game and reluctant to leave the table for sustenance, he instructed a servant to bring him a slab of beef between pieces of toast, and the sandwich was born. More than three centuries later, this hand-held meal remains the salvation of men reluctant to leave the card table, the sports arena or the chair in front of the TV.

Unfortunately, many of today's sandwiches are not much more healthful than old Montagu's. Usually we eat whatever will fit between two slices of bread, from fat- and sodium-laden cured lunch meals to artery-clogging mayonnaise.

I'd never suggest that you abandon sandwiches altogether. It wouldn't do much good if we did. Americans love Sandwiches. In fact, a survey found that sandwiches account for half of all lunches eaten in restaurants, 30 percent of all dinners and 19 percent of all breakfasts. Instead of admonishing you to quit sandwiches, I'd like to offer some advice on how to build them better.


A good place to begin is with the foundation of the sandwich: the bread. Even the spongiest, whitest of breads supplies healthful complex carbohydrates, but its best to go with whole-grain varieties, which offer the additional benefit of two times the fiber of plain white bread. For our money, whole-grain bread also tastes better.

You can get whole-grain breads in fat, crusty loaves from bakeries, and you can also get them in neat, sliced and packaged versions at your grocer's. Both are fine, but if you prefer the latter type, check out the ingredient list and buy only those breads that have a whole grain at the top of the label. On the other hand, don't let your imagination stop at bread that comes in loaves. You can also buy whole-grain bagels, rolls, English muffins and pita bread.

Now that we've got the foundation of our sandwich, it's time to select the filling.
Fish and Sea-food are the healthiest choices, since most of them tend to lower in fat than meat. A simple broiled fish fillet makes a great sandwich filler. Three ounces of cod contains only 89 calories and less than a gram of fat. Drizzle a little lemon juice on the fillet, pack it between two slices of whole-grain bread, add lettuce and tomato, then paint on a layer of spicy mustard for a delicious, light meal.


If you prefer the convenience of canned seafood, be sure you get water-packed tuna, salmon or sardines rather than the oil-packed versions. The savings in fat are considerable:
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  • Put your Spuds on a Diet
  • Its not the spuds, it's the extras we shovel n that are fattening.
  • Potatoes are low in fat and high in potassium, vitamin-C and fiber.
  • Here are some healthy ways to dress them up-
  • Instead of sour cream, top with plain low-fat yogurt, salsa or a mixture of lemon juice and ground black pepper.
  • Mash potatoes with buttermilk, which, despite its name, is far lower in fat than whole milk.
  • If you crave fries, choose thick steak fries. They absorb less oil.
  • Leave the skin on scalloped potatoes (to keep the fiber high), and use skim milk and just a dab of margarine. 
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Three ounces of oil-packed chunk tuna usually contains 18 grams of fat, about 16 1/2 grams more than the water-packed kind.

21 Dec 2011

Power Eating

Here, in order of importance, are the nutritional steps most vital to your healthy diet and the stuff that's not worth worrying about.

The experts were almost unanimous in putting weight control at the top of the list - 97 percent of them gave it high priority.
If everybody in United states maintain their ideal weight, the incidence of Type-H diabetes would be greatly reduced, hypertension would be much less common and so would coronary disease. Nearly 24 cent of American men are overweight for their age and build, which makes obesity one of the country's biggest health problems.
How do experts recommend we lose weight?
75 percent said that cutting calories is Extremely Important or Very Important . 70 percent said the same about controlling fat intake. The two go hand in hand. If you cut calories, you'll cut fat. The number of calorie you eat ultimately determines how much you'll weigh, but reducing fat is important fr other reasons. It slashes the risk of heart disease by keeping arteries from choking with plaque, and it may reduce the risk of some form of cancer.

Strictly speaking, exercise isn't a nutritional habit, but we included it in our survey because physical activity has a direct bearing on how much we eat and what happens to food once we've taken it in.
Exercise boosts your metabolism, allowing you to eat more without putting on more pounds. It also helps relieve stress and keep your heart, bones and circulatory system in top form.
Most people can fill their exercise quota with 20 minutes of brisk walking three times a week. Adding a regimen of resistance weight training fires up your metabolism to its calorie-burning peak.

Giving up all your favorite foods and switching to a very healthy but very boring diet won't work. Nobody is going to eat food they don't enjoy for very long. If you want to eat healthy, you have to either find low-fat prepared foods that taste great or lean tyo cook your own.

you've heard the old nutritionists' creed: Balance your diet among four food groups, and make sure you get the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals. These concept are certainly not passe; roughly 90 percent of those surveyed said they're still high priority. Yet those notions now clearly take a backseat to cutting fat and controlling weight.
The weakness of the four-food-groups approach is that it doesn't provide enough guidance to prevent you from eating too much fat and amassing too much of it on your body.
If you make fat-fighting your number one priority, however, it quiet naturally leads you toward fulfilling those other guidelines. If you phase out the high-calorie, high-fat foods in your diet, you're going to have to replace them with something low fat-cereals, fruits and vegetables. An emphasis on those foods moves you closer to meeting your RDA for vitamins and minerals. It can also move you closer to balancing your diet, which for most Americans is overladen with high-fat meat and dairy products.

If you have been able to keep straight the difference between saturated, unsaturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, here's good news: You don't have to. The trendy notion that you should trade saturated fats for heart-smarter monounsaturated and polyunsaturated ones is "putting the cart before the horse."
Most of the foods that are highest in total fat-ice cream, cheeseburgers and doughnuts, for example- are also highest in saturated fat. So if you simply cut down on all fatty foods, you'll cut down on saturated fat as well.
How much fat should you eat?
The nutritionists advice following the American Heart Association's recommendation that total dietary fat comprise no more than 30 percent of calories.

Cutting cholesterol scored surprisingly low. Only 14 percent of the experts rated it extremely important. It's not that cholesterol is insignificant, but, again, if you follow the priorities outline above, you'll have already taken care of it. Those polled felt that expensive concern about this issue to the exclusion of all others could lead you to eat foods that are low in cholesterol but still dangerously high in fat. For example, Potato-chips fried in vegetable oil contain no cholesterol, but 72 percent of their calories are from fat.

The nation’s top nutritionists plainly don’t support prohibition. But they’re staunch believers in moderation when it comes to alcohol. There's no evidence, unless you are driving, that drinking alcohol in limited quantities is bad for you. Alcohol in excess (more than two drinks per day) is another story: It will destroy livers as well as lives.

While many people are worried about pesticides on fruit and vegetables, the experts rated it 34 out of 44 on their list of priorities.
More than three-quarters of the nutritionists thought it wise to avoid raw foods, particularly eggs, meat and seafood. Raw eggs and chicken can harbor salmonella bacteria, a common cause of food poisoning. Raw seafood can harbor viruses or parasites. Buy only from a reputable dealer, or avoid raw seafood altogether.

Insoluble or soluble? It doesn’t matter how you get your fiber. What’s important is that you do get it. People eat so little fiber, we’ll take anything. Whatever you can find – some peas in your stew – put them in!
A high fiber diet fills you up without filling you out, keeps you regular, helps lower your cholesterol level and may help reduce the risk of colon cancer. The nutritionists advocate getting at least 20 grams per day. A breakfast of oatmeal, wholewheat toast, appear and a banana would give you more than half that amount. The highest-fiber foods are fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.

Fish is lower in saturated fat than meat, ant the oil in fish-especially cold-water varieties such as salmon and mackerel-helps your cardiovascular-system by keeping blood from clotting and preventing hardening of the arteries. If you do eat meat, the experts recommend limiting portions to three or four ounces, choosing lean cuts such as flank steak and using low-fat cooking methods such as broiling and braising.

Many nutrition hazards you read or hear about the 11 o’clock news aren’t worth paying attention to. For example, avoiding trans-fatty acids (found in sick margarine) and tropical oils drew only moderate priority ratings from the nutrition authorities, despite their getting big play in the news. Again, it’s much more important to lower total fat intake.
Rated lowest of all was avoiding irradiated foods- 68 percent of respondents put this among the Probably Worthless, right down there with avoiding charred or blackened foods. Neather appear to pose any significant health risk. 

13 Dec 2011

The 12 commandments for winter hair

"Hair is an extension of the skin, so imbalances in the body will show on the hair too," According to doctors. "Winter is the season of over-flowing kapha with an imbalance of vata which together cause dandruff and heavy hair-fall. A dry and sebaceous congested scalp leads to fungal and bacterial infections, and sebum and clogged pores makes the hair very dull." But you can beat these problems.

Follow these 12 steps by experts to ensure healthy, good looking hair all through these cold months.

FEED THE HAIR Ensure a protein rich diet with nutrients like zinc, magnesium, iron and vitamin B.Eat walnuts and almonds and check with your dermatologist about supplements containing omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Also take natural vitamin E supplements like flax-seed oil.

LIGHTLY MASSAGE THE scalp with oils like nilibhringi  simple seame oil at least twice a week. The oil should be kept on the scalp for 3-4 hours or overnight. Avoid heavy oils like almond oil.

USE SHAMPOO THAT contains vitamin E and natural ingredients like avocado oil, olive oil, lemon extract and soy protein. Or opt for a mild oil control shampoo to reduce scalp oil and dandruff.

USE AN INTENSE hydrating conditioner like the DCL conditioner, and deep condition at least once a week. Warm a few tablespoon of olive oil in the microwave, then work it into your hair as you would a regular conditioner. Leave for a few minutes, then wash. Or use curd-based hair packs at home or opt for a hair spa and deep conditioning treatment at the salon. Beer is also a very good conditioner.

USE LUKEWARM OR normal water for your shampoo. Avoid very hot waters it leads to hair loss. Avoid too much color. Use herbal hair colors like vegetal bio-colour.

SHIELD YOUR HAIR with a hat, cap or scarf. Wear it loose enough to allow scalp circulation, but not closely enough to protect your hair against chilly winds.

DO NOT STEAM your hair as it leads to the further drying.

LET YOUR HAIR dry naturally, as blow-dried hair is more susceptible to damage, and exposure to extreme conditions such as wind and low temperature can cause further damage.

TO BEAT DANDRUFF,  massage the scalp with coconut oil, leave it on for half an hour beneath a hot towel and then wash it with mild shampoo. Do this regularly. You can also use a medicated leave-on cream or shampoo with ant-dandruff properties. Kaya Anti Dandruff Leave On Lotion with botanical extracts is great solution for dandruff without dying the scalp.

STATIC ENERGY IS very intense in cooler weather. So rub a dryer softener sheet over the brush before brushing.

IF YOUR HAIR tends to become too dry in winter, go for a hair repair mask at a salon.


Using oil treatment with lime juice will keep your hair glossy and healthy
To add shine to your hair, apply henna and amla powder for one hour and wash t off without using shampoo and conditioner
Running conditioned hair through a last rinse of cold water adds instant shine to your hair
Use a leave-on serum to smoothen your hair
Add a small amount of vinegar to the rinse water to add instant sheen


Use a silicone-based serum like L'Oreal Lumi oil to settle fizzy hair post shampoo
Apply conditioner for half an hour and then wash it off with luke-warm water
Go for hair spas that are rich in protein
Spray hairspray on a brush and brush it through your hair.

12 Dec 2011

Keeping It Trim

WHEN it comes to weight loss, winter is usually a pretty bad time. For one thing, the weather is so good that the appetite tends to increase, and for another, because its so much cooler this season then the rest of the year, the tendency s to stay cosily at home rather than get out there and hit the gym or the park. Add to this the fact that this is the best time to party, and you've got a situation where you pile on pounds, which means that your party clothes don't fit and you are just wracked frustration.
But that doesn't mean it cant be done. In fact, cooler weather can be the most motivating factor when it comes to exercise, and as for your diet, well, this is the season to crave nutritious soups. Provided you really want to lose weight, here is how you can go about it.

Frequently,  weight loss is just a nebulous dream. you plan to start a diet and exercise regime, but you never get around to do it. So the first step is to commit to a promise made to your own self. Weight loss for your own self is a much better motivator then weight loss for a significant other or event. Tell yourself that a slimmer you will be a new year's gift for yourself. So the time is to start now.
    Making a promise to someone else is also a good motivator, but ensure that such a promise dose not entail drastic or impractical goals.

Motivation is the key to weight loss. If you can find as efficient motivator such as a good friend who understands and cares for you, weight loss will become a lot of fun. Even a professional coach and a counselor would help.

The best way to effectively plan your weight loss is to create and keep a weight loss diary. This should include your diet plan and- this is important- the deviations from the diet that you will invariably make. Nobody can follow a weight loss diet perfectly all the time. A series of well-planed daily died menus will help you to get the groceries on time, and also include deviations on birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions without making you feel guilty.
    Also, writing down your plan will help you achieve it. It will make your plan seem real and measurable without causing your anxiety.
According to one management theory, whatever is measurable is achievable.


ADD TO YOUR FOOD-GRAINS: Several grains, such as barley, oats, bajra and jowar, are goof for weight loss. That's because they have a low glycemic index ( glycemic is the measure of how much the food can change into sugar). Also,If you don't eat these regularly already, they will surprise your system and thereby induce your body to lose weight. To get the maximum fiber from these grains, they are best eaten as a vegetable Dalia. But you can also eat them as chapattis, mixed with 50 percent wheat flour.
JUNK THE JUNK FOOD: Stop eating foods with extra sugar and lots of butter, drop the fizzy drinks and the packaged food, and your be on your way to meeting your weight loss goal.
SPROUT IT UP: Since diets sometimes looking tired and haggard, its important to include nutrient rich health foods as part of your weight loss plan. Sprouts of different Dals are great for weight loss as they not only have a low glycemic index, but are also a great source of vitamins and minerals. Mung, Channa, moth etc can be sprouted very well and eaten as a Chaat.
DRINK HOT WATER: Drinking hot water is an easy way to detoxify the system and lose some weight. Detoxification also helps the kidneys and lever, resulting in clear skin. Aim for about six cups of hot water a day.
VEGETABLES RULE... In this season, you can practically live on vegetables. Aside from the usual vegetables, eat them as Soups, sauteed, stuffed in chapattis (or bread) and also as vegetable juices.
...AND SO DOES FRUIT: Go for Pomegranate, Guava, Apples, Papaya and Pineapple. Fruit provides vitamins that aid the lever during weight loss.
PLUNGE INTO SOUPS: Soups provide low-calorie satiating meals. Use vegetables like spinach, onion, mushroom, tomato, potatoes, boiled corn, baby corn, peas, carrots and green vegetables. Add Ginger, thyme and basil as herb and for flavor. Spice your soups with white pepper, mild red chillies etc.
EXERCISE IN THE CRISP AIR: Winter is the best time to work up a healthy sweat without collapsing with exhaustion. Also, getting vitamin D is easiest in the season as the sun is gentle. Jogging, running, walking, playing a sport etc., are all enjoyable this season.
GET THE MASSAGE: Body massage with til or olive oil are invigorating and also good for muscle and tissues. They help to move lymphatic fluid effectvely and also get the circulation going, ths mroving skn tone.
GET STEAMED: A steam after a massage gets the skin invigorated and helps wight loss. The skin is the largest excretory organ in the body - sweat helps to get toxins out.


BREAKFAST: Boiled egg and a cup of skimmed milk
LUNCH: Sauteed vegetables and oat bread, plus a
bowl of salad
EVENING: Herbal tea and roasted sprout
DINNER: Grilled chicken or steamed fish with 
sauteed vegetables


BREAKFAST: Vegetable juice and sprouts
LUNCH: Vegetable dalia mixed with bajra or dalia
and salad
EVENING: Tea and light snack
DINNER: Two bowls of soup with sauteed 

10 Dec 2011

How to Get Rid of Scars and Cuts Left by Acne

When it involves massive, drawback acne, even when left alone, pimples will leave scars and cuts. correct acne treatment involves over simply treating and preventing zits, it additionally involves healing the skin as quickly as potential once the acne is gone.

Allow acne to heal on it's own, avoiding the urge to pop and decide. whereas severe acne will typically leave scars and cuts even while not interference, selecting and popping solely prolongs healing and will increase scarring.

Choose a mild exfoliant that contains alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta-hydroxy acid (BHA).

Use the exfoliant once laundry your face with gentle soap and heat water to assist take away dead skin cells, balance pH and promote the rejuvenation of skin cells, significantly scars and cuts.

Apply a light-weight, oil-free sunscreen with a minimum fifteen SPF once laundry and drying your face. as a result of the sun will increase injury to skin cells, it additionally slows the healing of scars and cuts, therefore cowl up.

Crush a zinc pill and blend it into your sunscreen before applying, as zinc helps the body to supply keratinocytes, or cells that produce keratin to grow new skin cells.
The addition of zinc to your sunscreen can facilitate significantly to heal scars and cuts left by acne.

See a dermatologist if your scars and cuts are deep, as regular over-the-counter treatments merely won't work.

Severe scarring typically needs treatments like chemical peels, laser treatments and additional, however solely a certified dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon will guide you to the correct treatment for you.


  • Stop popping! Straining can cause stress, which can cause the most important, reddest zit you'll imagine! If you completely should pop, confirm that the realm and your fingers are clean and disinfected. Best technique of managing acne scars and cuts is simply to let your body do the works. Keep the irritated space clean and use as very little make-up on the realm as potential.
  • Use a Scar Treatment. For post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation (brown or red marks on the skin) attempt one thing like Invisible Scars, Nucelle Mandelic Acid treatment for acne scars, Zenmed's Scar Treatment Kit, Neutrogena Advanced Solutions Acne Mark Fading Peel. For "ice picks" or "crater-like" scars, that are actual dents within the skin, typically the foremost effective treatment is seeing a doctor.
  • Moisturize and shield. invariably use an oil-free moisturizer that has SPF. attempt Body Guard Exquisitely lightweight SPF thirty For Face & Body.
  • Try Skin-Bleaching Lotions. there are several skin-bleaching lotions on the market. it sounds painful however it's not. hydroquinone may be a terribly powerful lotion and to induce that it should be prescribed by your GP. but you'll get less powerful ones from pharmacies. you have got to rub a tiny low quantity onto the affected space twice daily, it's purported to be quite useful however it's going to take a month or therefore to begin to examine improvement.
  • Triple Antibiotic ointment. If you set this on overnight, it'll fade your scars and obtain rid of them. do not place an excessive amount of on in one spot, it will cause your skin to induce overly oily.
  • You may use Oxygenated Water, or as its chemical name calls it "Hydrogen Peroxide Solution". Please keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide tends to whiten the skin. you'll see a tiny low distinction between your natural skin color and also the color of the skin to that this can be applied. don't be concerned, the distinction will not be there future day. additionally note that some individuals believe that hydrogen peroxide could cause cancer when applied to skin as a result of it's thought to form free radicals within the skin and kills off very important skin cells.
  • Use a Chemical Peel. For the additional severe cases, a chemical peel ought to be an choice. a chemical peel causes recent and broken layers of skin to peel off and reveal new and young skin. but the choice mustn't be reached gently, this can be a style of cosmetic surgery in order that they might invariably be risks.
  • Consider Collegen Fillers. Acne will cause dips or dents in your skin, formally called "ice decide scars", if they extremely have an effect on your confidence you'll get collegens fillers within the have an effect on half to replenish the dents creating your skin flat and have a much better complexion


  • Avoid touching your face. Your hands will transfer extra oil to an infected space.
  • Scars tend to be additional noticeable on pale skin. you'll combat this with a secure self-tanner (not to be confused with tanning booths that are unhealthy for your skin). you may additionally get a natural redness - countering concealer.
  • Neosporin is right for rushing up healing time therefore inflicting lesser scarring. there's additionally Neosporin Scar answer.
  • You will use plain yogurt to assist fade scars. Apply it to your face twice daily. it'll moisturize your face, purify it and your skin can heal a lot of faster.
  • Apply aloe vera or vitamin c; it'll speed up the healing method.
  • Cocoa butter may be a made moisturizer that's terribly effective. attempt Palmer's Scar Serum. It contains Cocoa butter, Vitamin E, Shark Liver Oil, Silicone, and Allium CEPA and is around $15 accessible from most chemists.
  • Use lemon on scars daily, however use moisturizer before planning to bed because the lemon could cause dry skin.
  • Honey Mixed with lemon & almond oil and milk = acne free
  • Moisture helps scars heal, therefore take care to moisturize (But watch out of significant moisturizers that may clog pores).
  • Do TCA peels of 12-tone system 3 weeks apart. Amazing, effective, and cheap.
  • Aloe-vera typically helps. If you rub the gooey within an aloe-vera plant on the affected space, you may see leads to a matter of days. Do it once or twice daily, and easily leave it on. Aloe-Vera additionally helps to eradicate acne scars.
  • For gentle scars and cuts, using Neosporin works well. place a trifle on every morning and night once cleansing your face.
  • Buy Sudocrem as a result of it looks to assist new skin kind
  • Take vitamin C supplement daily or drink innumerable lemon juice, this may facilitate reproduce collagen faster.
  • Toothpaste doesn't facilitate. This truly irritates the skin additional and finally ends up inflicting the infected space to be additional red than once you started.
  • You will use contractubex. it's totally effective.

Cure Acne naturally at home

So, you have got heard that there's nothing that you simply will do to treat your pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, acne, or acne scars while not spending cash on Proactiv, Accutane, or Retin-A. Although, Proactiv, Accutane, and Retin-A work for a few people, they're not the sole acne solutions. There are many stuff you will do from home to assist your acne, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, or acne scars; and you don’t need to use chemicals found in Proactiv, Accutane, and Retin-A to assist your acne, several natural remedies are proven to be extraordinarily effective.

Natural home remedy cures for acne are turning out everywhere the web, how does one tell which of them are cures that may work with the exception of those that are merely recent wives tails?

Acne affected people have quite probably studied with reference to everything there's relating to miracle cures that may rid you of acne overnight. it's a medical undeniable fact that there aren't any immediate cures for acne, positive will be able to facilitate keep it underneath management however there's no such cream that you simply can apply to form it magically vanish.

Tips :
Raw Honey is already one in all the higher known cures however in case it's new to you. make sure you have raw honey, not the liquid stuff you get in an exceedingly bottle or squeezy container. once giving your face a decent wash (use anti bacterial face wash if possible) apply the honey to the face and leave for 10 minutes before laundry it off.

Natural raw honey is superb at killing drugs resistant bacteria. If you add a number of drops of lemon juice to the honey then you have got created yourself another face wash.

Kill the bacteria that aggravates acne  Bacteria naturally happens on your skin and throughout your body; one such bacterium is Propionibacterium acnes, that is often harmless. When your pores get clogged, however, additional of those bacteria begin to grow in there, manufacturing chemicals that break down the wall of the pore and play an enormous role within the formation of what we tend to acknowledge may be a pimple. By wiping out these bacteria, you'll be able to conjointly get rid of acne. Here are some ways in which to try and do that:
  •  Benzoyl peroxide gel Use a gel, cream, or soap containing benzoyl peroxide twice on a daily basis. Benzoyl peroxide may be a "bactericide" that is notably effective against Propionibacterium acnes. the downside is that it typically irritates your skin, leading to dryness and redness, thus you ought to supplement this treatment with a non-comedogenic moisturizer. If your skin still gets irritated, use a product with a lower concentration. even be careful when using it, as benzoyl peroxide bleaches material and hair.
  • Look for product with triclosan or chlorhexidine gluconate, that conjointly kill Propionibacterium acnes. they're less effective than benzoyl peroxide, however they're gentler on your skin.
  •  Clove oil has conjointly been shown to be effective against Propionibacterium acnes.

Topical acne treatment :
  • Apply crushed-up aspirin to your acne. Apply crushed-up aspirin to your acne. Grind up aspirin tablets and add water to create a paste. Apply it to your acne spot, leave it on overnight, and wash it off within the morning.
  • Alternatively, applying lemon, lime and potato wedges to your acne spots may improve your skin. Alternatively, applying lemon, lime and potato wedges to your acne spots may improve your skin.
  • Use toothpaste as a final resort. Use toothpaste as a final resort. Apply alittle dab to the acne spot, leave it on overnight, and wash it off within the morning.
  • Some toothpastes contain ingredients that facilitate eliminate acne (e.g., menthol and alcohol), however others will truly irritate it any, thus take care before you try this method.
  • Toothpaste will act as a mask, drawing impurities out of the skin. it's going to conjointly dry the skin gently because it will thus, which may scale back the scale of a pimple.
  • If you're liable to dry skin, do not use toothpaste. Menthol and alcohol will simply dry the skin an excessive amount of, resulting in any irritation of the face.
  • Look for commonplace toothpastes that contain minimal additives.
  • Natural or organic toothpastes ought to be your best bet.

Natural Cure Acne :
  • Use cold water. Fill an empty one gallon jug with water and place it within the freezer for two hours. Pour the water into a bowl, then dip your face within the water for twenty five seconds (5 dips for five seconds each). Repeat a number of times each day.
  • Make a soap mixture. place a bar of soap during a tiny container. Boil a cup of water and pour it over the soap within the container. shut the container and keep it shut for a minimum of 2-3 hours or till the soap dissolves. Wash your face normally and make certain it's dry and not oily. Get the combination that's in your container and unfold it around your face; be generous whereas applying. Let it dry. Then wash your face out terribly gently employing a face sponge. try this one to a pair of times on a daily basis, however no over 2 as a result of then your skin would possibly over-dry and peel.
  • Create a face mask employing a answer of 1 finely crushed aspirin pill per tablespoon of cold cream. unfold over your face, wait 3-5 minutes, then rinse completely.
  • Make a baking soda paste mixture by mixing baking soda and water till you get a thick, creamy substance. .
  • Rub on your face, neck, and back in full motion circles which will permit the cream to urge into your pores.
  • Let this sit on your face for around ten minutes.
  • Wash off with a washcloth drenched in ice cold water.
  • Repeat 1-2 times daily, till your zits are gone!
  • This will not work for all acne. Skin could become oily and acne could worsen. If you opt to use this methodology, attempt it on a little space of your skin 1st.
  • Make a robust acne answer by diluting five hundredth apple cider vinegar with five hundredth clean pure water. Once acne has improved, keep it at bay with a milder answer of two hundredth apple cider vinegar and eightieth water. don't use low cost vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is regarding $3-4 for an oversized bottle at any supermarket (more at health food stores). it'll last months.
  • Try chili peppers. i do know this sounds weird, however chili peppers facilitate cut back the swelling of a pimple attributable to its high concentrations of vitamin C and antioxidants.
  • Wash your face completely with a bar of soap (until your pimples barely begin stinging).
  • Crush a cold pepper into a bowl or similar container.
  • Add a little quantity of hot water.
  • Apply the liquid to your pimple. you'll apply it with a q-tip, however do that a minimum of twice daily. Avoid obtaining the liquid in your eyes or close to sores and lacerations because it can possibly cause irritation.
  • Try swimming! The chlorine within the water dries up acne. Be careful, though. an excessive amount of pool water will harm your hair and dry up your skin an excessive amount of. Once per week is sometimes enough.
  • Get a bunch of lemon juice and pour some into a bowl. Submerge your face within the juice for as long as you'll be able to, then dry off with a soft towel. The stinging feeling means that it's operating.

How to avoid Acne :
  1. Wash your face daily. make certain you employ the proper face wash for your form of acne. (oily, dry, or normal). Wash your face twice on a daily basis. after you wash your face, wash it with a hot or heat towel. the warmth can open your pores and therefore the temperature is best to wash with instead of cold water.
  2. Wash your hair daily. Wash your hair daily. The oils on your hair rub on your face which might cause acne.
  3. Wash your pillow cases. Wash your pillow cases. The oils on your pillow cases will cause acne.
  4. Drink lots of water! you wish to stay hydrated to own clear skin. Drink lots of water! you wish to stay hydrated to own clear skin. It makes a giant distinction. you ought to drink a minimum of eight cups of water on a daily basis.
  5. Eat healthy. Eat healthy. keep aloof from foods that are greasy and salty. Get vitamin C it's superb for your skin. (oranges, raw red peppers, kiwi, grapefruit,and raw broccoli all contain vitamin C) conjointly, rinse off your face when eating, although you did not build a multitude. If you have got an addiction to junk food or pop like Coca Cola or Pepsi, you'll need to quit, as a result of studies show that owing to these 2 beverages, folks get additional pimples. a similar factor applies if you are an alcoholic.
  6. Moisturize your face! Use lotions and things alike to moisturize you face daily. Moisturize your face! Use lotions and things alike to moisturize you face daily. it's further necessary to moisturize when you have got dried your face when a shower or shower. The water on your face can truly dry out your face as they dry, inflicting your face to create further oils.
  7. Also, avoid sharing a towel with an acne-ridden sibling; as this might unfold their acne bacteria to your face. Also, avoid sharing a towel with an acne-ridden sibling; as this might unfold their acne bacteria to your face.

Make your hair smooth and shine

How to Make Your Hair Smooth and Shiny Naturally (Milk and Eggs):

Would you wish your hair to be swish and shiny? browse on to search out out the way to create a nourishing and smoothing formula to form your hair shiny, and not harm it like most business product will!

Ingredients Required:

  • Cold Milk
  • Olive Oil
  • Egg yolks
  • Sugar
1. Pour some milk into a bowl (about a cup).

2. Separate the egg yolk from the whites, by cracking the egg and letting the  whites pour out, by keeping the yolk in the shell.

3. Place the yolk into a bowl.

4. Pour just enough olive oil in the container to cover the yolk.

5. Put about a teaspoon of sugar into the olive oil mixture, and stir well.

6. Soak your hair with warm water.

7. Shampoo and condition your hair really well, lather it up and rinse.

8. Now pour the milk over your hair, run a comb through it, and let it sit for 10          minutes.

9. Rinse out your hair again, with warm water.

10. Massage the olive oil mixture into your scalp, and let it sit for at least ten minutes.

11. Rinse out your hair with cold water. (this will help get rid of frizz)

12. Dry your hair by shaking it out, or using a hair dryer.

Tips to make your hair healthy: 

  • Comb your hair carefully, 100 times using huge brush comb, every night. The friction of brushing or combing makes it shiny & detangled.
  • Use hair serum from any product brands You also need to make use of thermal protection serum if you are going to make use of heat styling products on your hair. In case you have frizzy hair then you ought to make use of Anti frizz thermal protection. Do not use heat styling agent.
  • After a shower, never rub your hair with a towel, it will cause breakage & destroy to the wet hair shaft. Use a wide tooth comb to slowly comb hair. Hair is basically damaged when wet!
  • If you desire to maximize the healthiness of your hair, use coconut milk on your hair. On DRY hair, pour coconut milk oil on all over your scalp & then cover your hair with shower cap & leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse. You may shampoo & condition. Frequent use of coconut oil will lead you to have additional manageable, healthy looking, so soft & smooth, hair all day!

How to Get Smooth, Shiny Hair Without Using Hair Care Products:

Wet hair.
 Wet hair.
         1.   Wet hair
  1. 2
    Squeeze the recommended amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand.
     Squeeze the recommended amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand.
    Squeeze the recommended amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand.
  2. 3
    Add a TINY drop of olive oil into the shampoo, and apply.
     Add a TINY drop of olive oil into the shampoo, and apply.
    Add a TINY drop of olive oil into the shampoo, and apply.
  3. 4
    Use conditioner if you have it.
     Use conditioner if you have it.
    Use conditioner if you have it.
  4. 5
    Squeeze any excess water out of hair, then blow dry it.
     Squeeze any excess water out of hair, then blow dry it.
    Squeeze any excess water out of hair, then blow dry it. (This gives your hair a smoother look)
  5. 6
    Now that your hair is dry, rub another small drop of olive oil into your palm and then apply evenly from root to tip.
     Now that your hair is dry, rub another small drop of olive oil into your palm and then apply evenly from root to tip.
    Now that your hair is dry, rub another small drop of olive oil into your palm and then apply evenly from root to tip.
  6. 7
    Brush your hair until smooth.
     Brush your hair until smooth.
    Brush your hair until smooth.
  7. 8
    Ta-Da! You should now have smoother, shinier hair!.
     Ta-Da! You should now have smoother, shinier hair!.
    Ta-Da! You should now have smoother, shinier hair!

Some useful tips:
  • If hair gets excessively shiny/greasy, next time you wash it add a small drop of lemon juice in to your shampoo, and avoid conditioner.
  • If your hair normally is curly or frizzes out, you may need to make use of a straightening iron after blow-drying.
  • If your hair still is not smooth, add a small drop of, you guessed it, olive oil to the bristles.
  • If you need naturally smooth and shiny hair, cut back on the flat irons, curlers, and blow dryers.They cause hair to turn dry and breakable, leading to unsightly hair.