9 Dec 2011

Home remedies to stop snoring

If you are a snorer in your household, you are probably getting much more sleep than somebody who can listen to you. Try the following preventative measures.

Avoid: alcohol, sleeping pills, coffee.
  • Avoid the things that make snoring worse: alcohol, sleeping pills, coffee & rich foods before bedtime. In case you frequently take any kind of medication, talk to your doctor about options. Some drugs can make snoring worse, including sleeping pills & sedatives.
  • If you sleep on your back: buy yourself a few additional pillows and prop yourself up in bed, than lying flat on your back. Also, raise the head of your bed. An simple way to do it is to place several flat boards under the legs at the top finish of the bed. A couple of elderly phone books under each leg ought to also raise the bed to do the trick.
  • Sleep on your side
  • Sleep on your side: There is a nice reason you don't require to sleep on your back: in that position, your tongue & soft palate rest against the back of your throat, blocking the airway. way people train themselves to stay on their side is by taping or sewing a tennis ball to the back of their shirt, so every time you roll onto your back, it is uncomfortable.

            Snoreclipse Snoring Solution 1/box

      Product Description:
      Snoreclipse contains rare earth magnets that were specially designed to apply a constant, comfortable pressure on the septum. This pressure on the septum creates increased circulation which encourages the opening of nasal passages. This opening of nasal passages promotes relaxed breathing through the nose. Calm, relaxed breathing through the nose can prevent snoring. Retraining the body to breath properly through the nose can also reduce stress and lead to a more restful sleep.

Address any nasal congestion:
  • Try taking a decongestant or antihistamine if nasal congestion is causing your snoring. Use these only as a temporary measure in the event you suspect that a cold or allergy is to blame. Extended use of either can be harmful.
  • Gargle with a peppermint mouthwash to shrink the lining of your nose and throat. This is effective if your snoring is a temporary condition caused by a head cold or an allergy. To mix up the herbal gargle, add one drop of peppermint oil to a glass of cold water. (Only gargle - do not swallow.)
  • Change your sheets and pillowcases often to relieve nasal stuffiness, alleviate bedroom allergens. Try to hoover your floors and curtains often 
  • Tape your nose open with nasal strips, obtainable at most pharmacies. They may look odd, but who is looking? Following the directions on the package, tape of the strips to the outside of your nose before you doze off. They work by lifting and opening your nostrils to increase airflow.
  • Try mouthpiece devices. Also often called dental appliances or mandibular advancement splints, these are usually tiny plastic devices worn in the mouth in the work of sleep to prevent the soft throat tissues from collapsing and obstructing the airway. They do this by bringing your lower jaw forward and/or by lifting your soft palate. Some devices also cease the tongue from falling back over your windpipe.

Do exercises to firm the tissue associated along with your snoring:
  • Stick your tongue out as far as you can, then relax. Repeat ten times.
  • Stick your tongue out again, and try to touch your chin. Hold. Repeat with trying to touch your nose. Repeat ten times.
  • Smile as wide as you feasible can, hold for ten seconds, then relax. Repeat this as lots of times as you can throughout the day.
  • Sing La-La-La-La as loud as you can. Hold each La for three seconds. Repeat five times. Then, repeat singing Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka. Follow that with Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma. This will strengthen your throat so that it does not relax (and thus block air) when you sleep.
  • Close your mouth and perform a chewing motion. Make definite molars on both sides move apart, then touch again. Make an "mmmmm" sound as you do this for added affect. Continue for one minute.

Stop Snoring Caused By a Sinus Infection
Know that sometimes people become snorers because of sinus infections. Snoring is caused in the coursework of a sinus infection because the mucus blocks the nasal passages.

Follow a number of the tips below to cease snoring when you are suffering from sinus infection:
  • Do not forget to take the drugs prescribed by your physician for curing the sinus infection. 
  • Reduction of the infection will act as a treatment to cease snoring Consider using a sinus/nasal rinse. These are designed in such a way that the debris and mucus formed in the nose is flushed out. 
  • Rinsing will be helpful in relieving yourself of the snoring.You can place a nasal dilator strip on your nose channel. This will open the nostrils and can prevent snoring.
  • You can use a menthol scent, which will be helpful in clearing the nose.You can try to have a warm shower or bath. 
  • Hot damp air will be helpful in draining the mucus from the sinuses, thereby reducing the likelihood of snoring.You can raise the head portion of your bed. This will be helpful in reducing the amount of mucus draining down and blocking your nasal passages. When nasal passages are not blocked, you won't snore.

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