12 Dec 2011

Keeping It Trim

WHEN it comes to weight loss, winter is usually a pretty bad time. For one thing, the weather is so good that the appetite tends to increase, and for another, because its so much cooler this season then the rest of the year, the tendency s to stay cosily at home rather than get out there and hit the gym or the park. Add to this the fact that this is the best time to party, and you've got a situation where you pile on pounds, which means that your party clothes don't fit and you are just wracked frustration.
But that doesn't mean it cant be done. In fact, cooler weather can be the most motivating factor when it comes to exercise, and as for your diet, well, this is the season to crave nutritious soups. Provided you really want to lose weight, here is how you can go about it.

Frequently,  weight loss is just a nebulous dream. you plan to start a diet and exercise regime, but you never get around to do it. So the first step is to commit to a promise made to your own self. Weight loss for your own self is a much better motivator then weight loss for a significant other or event. Tell yourself that a slimmer you will be a new year's gift for yourself. So the time is to start now.
    Making a promise to someone else is also a good motivator, but ensure that such a promise dose not entail drastic or impractical goals.

Motivation is the key to weight loss. If you can find as efficient motivator such as a good friend who understands and cares for you, weight loss will become a lot of fun. Even a professional coach and a counselor would help.

The best way to effectively plan your weight loss is to create and keep a weight loss diary. This should include your diet plan and- this is important- the deviations from the diet that you will invariably make. Nobody can follow a weight loss diet perfectly all the time. A series of well-planed daily died menus will help you to get the groceries on time, and also include deviations on birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions without making you feel guilty.
    Also, writing down your plan will help you achieve it. It will make your plan seem real and measurable without causing your anxiety.
According to one management theory, whatever is measurable is achievable.


ADD TO YOUR FOOD-GRAINS: Several grains, such as barley, oats, bajra and jowar, are goof for weight loss. That's because they have a low glycemic index ( glycemic is the measure of how much the food can change into sugar). Also,If you don't eat these regularly already, they will surprise your system and thereby induce your body to lose weight. To get the maximum fiber from these grains, they are best eaten as a vegetable Dalia. But you can also eat them as chapattis, mixed with 50 percent wheat flour.
JUNK THE JUNK FOOD: Stop eating foods with extra sugar and lots of butter, drop the fizzy drinks and the packaged food, and your be on your way to meeting your weight loss goal.
SPROUT IT UP: Since diets sometimes looking tired and haggard, its important to include nutrient rich health foods as part of your weight loss plan. Sprouts of different Dals are great for weight loss as they not only have a low glycemic index, but are also a great source of vitamins and minerals. Mung, Channa, moth etc can be sprouted very well and eaten as a Chaat.
DRINK HOT WATER: Drinking hot water is an easy way to detoxify the system and lose some weight. Detoxification also helps the kidneys and lever, resulting in clear skin. Aim for about six cups of hot water a day.
VEGETABLES RULE... In this season, you can practically live on vegetables. Aside from the usual vegetables, eat them as Soups, sauteed, stuffed in chapattis (or bread) and also as vegetable juices.
...AND SO DOES FRUIT: Go for Pomegranate, Guava, Apples, Papaya and Pineapple. Fruit provides vitamins that aid the lever during weight loss.
PLUNGE INTO SOUPS: Soups provide low-calorie satiating meals. Use vegetables like spinach, onion, mushroom, tomato, potatoes, boiled corn, baby corn, peas, carrots and green vegetables. Add Ginger, thyme and basil as herb and for flavor. Spice your soups with white pepper, mild red chillies etc.
EXERCISE IN THE CRISP AIR: Winter is the best time to work up a healthy sweat without collapsing with exhaustion. Also, getting vitamin D is easiest in the season as the sun is gentle. Jogging, running, walking, playing a sport etc., are all enjoyable this season.
GET THE MASSAGE: Body massage with til or olive oil are invigorating and also good for muscle and tissues. They help to move lymphatic fluid effectvely and also get the circulation going, ths mroving skn tone.
GET STEAMED: A steam after a massage gets the skin invigorated and helps wight loss. The skin is the largest excretory organ in the body - sweat helps to get toxins out.


BREAKFAST: Boiled egg and a cup of skimmed milk
LUNCH: Sauteed vegetables and oat bread, plus a
bowl of salad
EVENING: Herbal tea and roasted sprout
DINNER: Grilled chicken or steamed fish with 
sauteed vegetables


BREAKFAST: Vegetable juice and sprouts
LUNCH: Vegetable dalia mixed with bajra or dalia
and salad
EVENING: Tea and light snack
DINNER: Two bowls of soup with sauteed 

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