13 Dec 2011

The 12 commandments for winter hair

"Hair is an extension of the skin, so imbalances in the body will show on the hair too," According to doctors. "Winter is the season of over-flowing kapha with an imbalance of vata which together cause dandruff and heavy hair-fall. A dry and sebaceous congested scalp leads to fungal and bacterial infections, and sebum and clogged pores makes the hair very dull." But you can beat these problems.

Follow these 12 steps by experts to ensure healthy, good looking hair all through these cold months.

FEED THE HAIR Ensure a protein rich diet with nutrients like zinc, magnesium, iron and vitamin B.Eat walnuts and almonds and check with your dermatologist about supplements containing omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Also take natural vitamin E supplements like flax-seed oil.

LIGHTLY MASSAGE THE scalp with oils like nilibhringi  simple seame oil at least twice a week. The oil should be kept on the scalp for 3-4 hours or overnight. Avoid heavy oils like almond oil.

USE SHAMPOO THAT contains vitamin E and natural ingredients like avocado oil, olive oil, lemon extract and soy protein. Or opt for a mild oil control shampoo to reduce scalp oil and dandruff.

USE AN INTENSE hydrating conditioner like the DCL conditioner, and deep condition at least once a week. Warm a few tablespoon of olive oil in the microwave, then work it into your hair as you would a regular conditioner. Leave for a few minutes, then wash. Or use curd-based hair packs at home or opt for a hair spa and deep conditioning treatment at the salon. Beer is also a very good conditioner.

USE LUKEWARM OR normal water for your shampoo. Avoid very hot waters it leads to hair loss. Avoid too much color. Use herbal hair colors like vegetal bio-colour.

SHIELD YOUR HAIR with a hat, cap or scarf. Wear it loose enough to allow scalp circulation, but not closely enough to protect your hair against chilly winds.

DO NOT STEAM your hair as it leads to the further drying.

LET YOUR HAIR dry naturally, as blow-dried hair is more susceptible to damage, and exposure to extreme conditions such as wind and low temperature can cause further damage.

TO BEAT DANDRUFF,  massage the scalp with coconut oil, leave it on for half an hour beneath a hot towel and then wash it with mild shampoo. Do this regularly. You can also use a medicated leave-on cream or shampoo with ant-dandruff properties. Kaya Anti Dandruff Leave On Lotion with botanical extracts is great solution for dandruff without dying the scalp.

STATIC ENERGY IS very intense in cooler weather. So rub a dryer softener sheet over the brush before brushing.

IF YOUR HAIR tends to become too dry in winter, go for a hair repair mask at a salon.


Using oil treatment with lime juice will keep your hair glossy and healthy
To add shine to your hair, apply henna and amla powder for one hour and wash t off without using shampoo and conditioner
Running conditioned hair through a last rinse of cold water adds instant shine to your hair
Use a leave-on serum to smoothen your hair
Add a small amount of vinegar to the rinse water to add instant sheen


Use a silicone-based serum like L'Oreal Lumi oil to settle fizzy hair post shampoo
Apply conditioner for half an hour and then wash it off with luke-warm water
Go for hair spas that are rich in protein
Spray hairspray on a brush and brush it through your hair.


Anonymous said...

thnz mahn.it was really helpful..

Unknown said...

I am glad it helped you. thank you for the feedback.